Two Cents’ Worth

Paul Skippen

6 Nov 2024


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Thirty-second Ordinary

Mark 12: 43 – 44

Jesus called his disciples over and said, “The truth is that this poor widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together. All the others gave what they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford – she gave her all.”

When I helped with the parish classes for RCIA, there was a candidate, Mabel – a woman in her late 30s – who could never make it to class on time, sometimes arriving only for the final prayers. When she did arrive, she was unprepared and appeared flustered when Father Pershing asked her about assignments. But always when she first came in, she held a look of relief, as though there were no room she would rather walk into.

I, like most of the group, was annoyed – both at the interruption and the prospect that she would become Catholic with so much less work than the rest of the others in the group. Father Pershing, too, appeared frustrated, sighing when she asked questions.

One night after the final prayer, she approached Father Pershing; though she spoke quietly, I overheard. She apologised profusely for being late and told him she could not find a babysitter for her two sons, one of whom had Down syndrome. No, her husband could not watch them either, as he had passed away two years earlier.

Father Pershing vowed that he would make any arrangements he could so that she could get the proper preparation to become a Catholic. I stood two feet tall, realising this woman had given much more to the group than I ever had.